UNST Health, Happiness, and Human Rights : Peer Review Articles
Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory
- Ulrichs International Periodicals DirectoryFeatures bibliographic, access, and pricing information for newspapers, magazines, and journals published in the United States and internationally. Distinguishes peer reviewed and refereed journals from popular magazines.
Peer-Reviewed? Check Ulrich's
If you find an article, check to see if it is in peer-reviewed journal in the PSU Library database, Ulrichs International Periodicals Directory. Search for the title of the journal.
When you click on the title of the journal, you will see quite a bit of information about that journal. What you're looking for is whether it is refereed or peer-reviewed ( ). If you are not sure if you clicked on the right journal title, check the description and make sure it relates to your research or the topic of your article.